sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

Present Perfect Continuous

Nice exercises:

Tempo verbal formado com:
To have + particípio passado do verbo to be + verbo principal no gerúndio (-ing):
I have been doing

Indica que uma  acção ou estado iniciado no passado que se continua a desenrolar no momento presente. É comum, nesse caso, expressar também desde quando (since...) ou há quanto tempo (for...) essa acção se está a desenvolver:

It have been doing my homework since yesterday evening.

Full FormShort Form
I have not been doingI haven't been doing
you have not been doingyou haven't been doing
has not been doinghe
hasn't been doing
we have not been doingwe haven't been doing
you have not been doingyou haven't been doing
they have not been doingthey haven't been doing

na interrogativa:
Full Form
have I been doing?
have you been doing?
been doing?
have we been doing?
have you been doing?
have they been doing?

We must have been stone crazy
when we thought we were just friends,
'Cause I miss you, baby,
And I've got those feelings again.
I guess I'm all confused about you,

I feel so in love
Oh, baby, what can I do?
I've been thinking about you.
I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you, shi-pow-pow!

Suddenly we're strangers,
I watch you walking away.
She was my one temptation,
Oh, I did not want her to stay
Deep down, I'm still confused about you

I feel so in love
Oh, baby, what can I do?
I've been thinking about you.
I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you
I've been thinking about you, shi-pow-pow!

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